| 1. | It has come to the point where communication is relied on technology.
| 2. | But we have come to the point where we have no choice.
| 3. | It comes to the point where one citizen can hold literature to ransom.
| 4. | But ( to come to the point which I've long had in view)
| 5. | I've come to the point anyway, and have this to say:
| 6. | I just wish my circumstances hadn't come to the point they did ."
| 7. | Now we've come to the point where we've got to see it ."
| 8. | Then we come to the points that Bleu has raised in bullet-points above.
| 9. | It comes to the point, we get fed up with losing.
| 10. | People are coming to the point of very sobering talks about ground troops.